Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Voice of Verging

The show, as described on the WVUD site, is an "eclectic blend of music to accompany your Sunday paper". Apologies for the use of "eclectic", a word that used to be quaint and charming and one that is now a tire with no tread. The interesting part of the show is that there are 7 of us rotating as dj's. Each of us has his/her own musical axe to grind, so if you tune in one wekk and wonder what rubbish is playing, just wait until the next week and you may be enthralled with the musical choices. My own preferences run to jazz and blues, with forays into music from Africa and Latin America. Gospel, R & B, R & R, and re-mixes also poke their toes into the morning mix. The show is on each Sunday, 9:00 to 12:00 EST. Drop on by, if you're sitting by a pc/Mac.
I'll be doing the dj duties on:
January 29
February 19
March 26
April 2
July 2
Sept 17
Oct 1
Nov 19
Dec 17
My patter is minimal, the music's the thing. Oh yeah, no commericals for three hours.
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Down 'n Dirty sounds appropraite enough for a mid-Sunday morning. Thanks for the suggestion, Searchie; it will be incorporated. I've got some Muddy Waters, James Spady, Kim Wilson, Henry Butler, and Hubert Sumlin in the works already.
Plus, new work from
Brad Mehldau
Robert Glasper
For any other readers, the suggestion box is open until Saturday morning.
Plus, new work from
Brad Mehldau
Robert Glasper
For any other readers, the suggestion box is open until Saturday morning.
I hear that avant-garde guitarist Derek Bailey is dead.
Meanwhile, is there a "listen again" function like the BBC have? I have over-the-hill league soccer on Sunday morns.
Meanwhile, is there a "listen again" function like the BBC have? I have over-the-hill league soccer on Sunday morns.
Sorry StephenEsque, each show is a unique one time sort of event. Besides, replays may be cause for lawsuits and it's a small station that can ill afford suits of any sorts, seersucker or law.
How about some nice Railroad Blues ala Jimmie Rodgers, the original singing brakeman? Perhaps "Waiting for a Train", or "T for Texas" ?
But, I might request this for your Feb gig as I am travelin' this weekend to San Antonio and will miss the Sunday program unless I can sneak onto the host's computer.
But, I might request this for your Feb gig as I am travelin' this weekend to San Antonio and will miss the Sunday program unless I can sneak onto the host's computer.
Bleak M.,
Now you've gone form the cliched "eclectic" to the let-me-meta-Google "esoteric".
Popping my (over-inflated) balloons, I confess to being totally ignorant of
1) Raymond Scott (thought his "Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals" sounded, ahem, delicious)
2) Thomas Jaderlund Amazing Orchestra (the only thing for me to add here is that their name emblazonned t-shirts must use a lot of ink)
3) Lors Hollmer
4) Snakefinger (interesting and tempting write-ups on the cd's available @ Amazon, but still too expensive to take a chance on. What say ye?)
5) Franz Koglmann (a good sound, someone I definitely have to hear more of)
John Zorn is the only fellow you'd listed that I was familiar with and he is, for me, someone I defintiely have to hear less of. Not my cup of offputting screech sounds.
And, NO, no YES retrospective is planned. Ever.
CP, Jimmie Rodgers is duly noted for the February gig. I'll have him appropriately seated next to some other cowboy blues items.
Thanks to all for noting their requests.
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Now you've gone form the cliched "eclectic" to the let-me-meta-Google "esoteric".
Popping my (over-inflated) balloons, I confess to being totally ignorant of
1) Raymond Scott (thought his "Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals" sounded, ahem, delicious)
2) Thomas Jaderlund Amazing Orchestra (the only thing for me to add here is that their name emblazonned t-shirts must use a lot of ink)
3) Lors Hollmer
4) Snakefinger (interesting and tempting write-ups on the cd's available @ Amazon, but still too expensive to take a chance on. What say ye?)
5) Franz Koglmann (a good sound, someone I definitely have to hear more of)
John Zorn is the only fellow you'd listed that I was familiar with and he is, for me, someone I defintiely have to hear less of. Not my cup of offputting screech sounds.
And, NO, no YES retrospective is planned. Ever.
CP, Jimmie Rodgers is duly noted for the February gig. I'll have him appropriately seated next to some other cowboy blues items.
Thanks to all for noting their requests.
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