Monday, November 30, 2009
4 Flights Up...
Labels: Late Evenings, Paris
<< Home Verging on Pertinence Just some more disposable thoughts clogging up the hinterlands
"Gauloises" -- only in Europe do I ever get taken over by the urge to re-attempt that filthy habit. Smoker's fug remains a pleasant fixture, and I have to wonder if these folks don't have a healthier sense of good health than we do.
Any chance you indulged while out-of-state?
Any chance you indulged while out-of-state?
Had to, Sir. Had to.
...although, a funny thing happened. I went into a tobacconist's store to procure the foul-but-necessary plant. Stumbling along with my just-landed-in-Paris-after-a-waaaaay-too-long flight(Thank You United Airlines! May Southwest be granted overseas flight priveleges so that they can eat your lunch!)-Franglais, the tobacconist sized me up and sold me a package of Gauloises smokes. "Gauloises Blonde", to be exact. took a while for my daughter to stop laughing in her now adapted French style; I thought I would have to call the ambulance médicalisée to assist in desisting her out-of-control chortling.
My nickname for the balnce of my stay was Madame Gauloises.
Merci Buckets, Monsieur Tobacconist!
Although you are now not allowed to smoke in most cafes (even outdoor seated ones), there are areas on the cusp that attract cackles of fumeurs obscured by tobacco clouds
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...although, a funny thing happened. I went into a tobacconist's store to procure the foul-but-necessary plant. Stumbling along with my just-landed-in-Paris-after-a-waaaaay-too-long flight(Thank You United Airlines! May Southwest be granted overseas flight priveleges so that they can eat your lunch!)-Franglais, the tobacconist sized me up and sold me a package of Gauloises smokes. "Gauloises Blonde", to be exact. took a while for my daughter to stop laughing in her now adapted French style; I thought I would have to call the ambulance médicalisée to assist in desisting her out-of-control chortling.
My nickname for the balnce of my stay was Madame Gauloises.
Merci Buckets, Monsieur Tobacconist!
Although you are now not allowed to smoke in most cafes (even outdoor seated ones), there are areas on the cusp that attract cackles of fumeurs obscured by tobacco clouds
<< Home Verging on Pertinence Just some more disposable thoughts clogging up the hinterlands