Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's a.....

Juliet. Well, o.k., Juliet, Naked, to be precise. Arrival time, 9:54 AM EST, today!

First things first. My nose is deep into the pages. Ahhhh, new book smells!
Lunch time, I'll be out in the car, seat reclined way, way, way back. I'm not the speediest of readers, especially if I'm reading a favorite author as I tend to lollygag around sentences, re-reading passages over and over to keep the wordy taste in my mouth.
So, 406 pages of Nick Hornby's latest may take me through the weekend. Just thinking if I should be packing High Fidelity along if I need to shake up the rusty synapses of my memory's tucked away files of that book to get through this book.

Well, in this osmetimes miserable world, a bliss shot of Hornby is always welcome.

ps. my otherwise slow posting may seem even more spotty the next week.


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