Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Over...

...and I'm not talking about that thing happening in L.A. tonight...that would be jinxing it. Today's piece in ponders the Q. of Which John McCain will be showing up for the last presidential debate of this campaign year, to be held at Hofstra University.

The way McCain's campaign is shifting week-to-week and now day-to-day, I'm expecting an attack-type conversation.
With a twist.

McCain's started with attacking Congress, where he's been since 1982, first as a 2 term Representative and then as Senator.
Then, McCain started attacking his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, an expected move of the oppositional party.
Next, he attacked the 2 term Republican president, George Bush, the latter now being the epitome of the lame duck president.
Who's left?
Without attacking his running mate for her "Do as I pontificate not as I execute" manner, there's only one choice. IMHO, McCain's campaign is now desperate enough to go through with it.
McCain will attack McCain tonight, concentrating on the 90% voting-with-Bush McCain and the "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should." McCain, and the out-of-left-field-picking-VP Candidate McCain.
It should be interesting. Who but McCain knows McCain? Who but McCain can hold up both sides of the conversation against himself? This will give him the opportunity to get up from the table and walk around as he is prone to do, evidenced by the town hall debate, and explain it as getting into the character of the other McCain (whichever one that is).
Most importantly, by McCain taking on McCain, McCain will be able to neutralize the performance of Mr. Obama. How can Obama speak if there are two McCains wrestling with each other for talking time?
I predict that 45 minutes into the debate, McCain will wrestle the other McCain to the ground and we'll have a Greco-Roman bout for the debate's conclusion. My bet's on McCain....uhhhh, the one on the right. I think.
He will achieve the impossible. A triumphant defeat.

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