Friday, July 20, 2007

Crumbs from the Past

The different photo-sharing & viewing sites just keep getting better every day. It's hard to keep up with the ingenuity of some folks. Take, for instance, Mr. Bleak Mouse, who used to post on his blog on a regular weekly basis. Even though his entries were always funny, frequently beyond the horizon, and always expertly put together, the writing portion of his blog seems to have bored him. Sad for us, really. Immerse yourself into this piece or this one. Crumbs from the past. He's been beyond words for a while; it's images that now totally intrigue him. He's well beyond the cutting edge. While we're here waiting for the bus, he's long since boarded his intergalactic space pod. The blog-posting has stopped to be replaced by posting on his Flickr site.

Links from there led me to this site, where this picture was posted. That picture, in turn, was jolted to come up with this picture. Simply gorgeous!

("Image from ImageShifter from the Flickr site, borrowed for linking purposes ONLY")

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Mr. Bleak and I have struck up a friendship. I still get some jewels of writing from him via email and I am always in awe of his logic and depth.

Come to think of it, I stay in awe of this place, too, DarkMan!
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