Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Summer Reading ("On the Rack" Version)
Andrew Cockburn's new book, Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy, has been issued in Great Britain under the title, "Rumsfeld: An American Disaster". A review from the Sunday Times by Rod Liddle is here. A choice bit from the review? How about,
"You know, I don’t think Andrew Cockburn likes the former US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld very much. The clue is in the title of his book – and also in some of the chapter headings, such as A Ruthless Little Bastard and Warlord. Indeed, the loathing and bile drip from pretty much every page, the tone a sort of quietly amazed revulsion at its subject matter. I suppose Rumsfeld: An Objective Study would have been a much less entertaining read – but I suspect it would come to pretty much the same conclusions as those reached by Cockburn."
National security journalist Martin Sieff wrote a perceptive and informative review for The American Conservative that is available here. An excerpt at the tail end of the review goes like this:
"Finally, something must be done about the dustcover of the book. When you close it and place it on a shelf, one of Rumsfeld's eyes is staring remorselessly at you from the spine, wherever you stand. Surely this is too much to ask even those of stout mind and spirit to endure?"
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