Thursday, November 30, 2006

An Understanding of Sorts

Knowledge, I've heard told, is a good thing.
Laughter, so it has seemed, is not something to scoff at.
Truth, when presented in a finely honed style, is almost palatable.
Objectivity, a vein running through the latter three, is best handled with doses of subjectivity to promote individual understanding and agreeability.

And Understanding? Well, that can be a hopeless cause as it is an inverted pyramid of comprehension that can tip over at any time due to the always present Other Items of Interest. How we understand ourselves, our family, our co-workers as well as we do is a miracle of no small portion.

So, one resorts to books, specifically an encyclopedia, for answers. Of course, if one has recently teared assunder a set of encyclopedias before, then, discarding them, understanding must be sought elsewhere.

But where?

Well, thanks to the Internet and its off-the-edge denizens, we have the Uncyclopedia. Are answers truly there? Let us investigate.

From the Uncyclopedia, a link to a "well-researched" section on You Know You're Croatian When.

Some excerpts to guide you toward this particular understanding:
1) You're trying to convince people of purity of Croatian languange by using English.
2) You're 100% positive that your country is most beautiful in the world, despite the fact that you've never crossed the border.
3) Lunch on Sundays has more courses than Amerikanci have for Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner.
4)Your uncles argue about where the sun set in their home village.
5) You can't have a meal without bread/rice/pasta.
6) Upon reading this list you are either showing it to other people who are not Croatian hoping they will, despite all the crappy truth, think that being Croatian is cool, or you are offended, and you're assuming a Serb (who else) wrote it.

If your interest is piqued, there's also General Tidbits about Croatia, Croatian History, & War of Independence.

Note: This Path to Understanding was pointed out by Mr. Michael Manske, who resides, speaking from out-of-body, here.

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