Monday, October 02, 2006

Alarming Mom

This story comes out of Ohio and we still all know what happened there in 2004, so perhaps a bit of sKepticism should be exercised.

Although, thinking back on the Days of Youth, maybe not. A mother's voice development reaches its pinnacle right about the time you're 10 backyards away, planning some cruelty only an 8 yr. old can with too much time (and lousy television programming) on his hands. Only the sound of a Red Tailed Hawk was more piercing. But its talons weren't as quick or as sharp as the mother swooping down on one of her miscreant brood.

So, it makes sense that a fire alarm's shrill beep woould wake an adult but not necessarily a child. Won't be long soon before we see fire alarms with recorded messages from a mom.

(Fill in names here) Get Up! There's a fire. But pick up your mess and get on clean underwear before you leave. Don't want the fire department to see your room like that! Yes, this would be repeated over and over agains until you leave the premises.

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