Sunday, October 15, 2006

Addendum, da dum, dum

(Bruce E Kaplan's frantic whimsy)

While I'm trying to further organize, just a note on some additions to the Better Places to be...

From The Shallow End, Gwynne is casting far and true. Plus, anyone connected with a person from the Land of Croats is well-versed in the absurdities of life, as we know it.

..and another mention of Mike Johnston over at The Online Photographer, who's kind enough to let other folks into his informative space.

Hey, that's me! And if not "well-versed" in the absurdities of life, I'm at least an eye-witness and probably a major contributor.

HA! Love it. My personal fave BEK is the one where the guy says "You'll have to excuse me; I'm myself today."
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