Friday, September 22, 2006
Let me count the...

Prairie Mary had a Sept. 14th post in which she enumerated 10 Reasons for Blogging. A lesser version will be presented here, with my poor aim intended to those folks who may see me, flesh & bone, on occasion and still ask me, "And so, you’d rather blog about it than talk to my face about it?".
Even Mary scoffed at the number 10, so I’ll just list and stop at whatever number the reasons do. No importance should be assumed by the order. Like most things I enumerate, a random number generator determines their order. Random numbers, I’ve found, eliminate the discomfort caused when asked "Who do you love more?".
#6) Writing v. Talking. It’s much easier backspacing/deleting what I’ve written. Alhough I still need to apologize from time to time about a written word, the quantity of apologies number less than when I part my lips.
#3) Gestation period for thoughts. A corollary of #6. Quick-frying doesn’t work for me; spontaneity is over-rated, specifically when it comes to words. In my case, slow-cooking is the way to go. Low heat. Frequent tasting of how the stew’s coming along. The opportunity to throw in additional spices and complimentary ingredients is always present.
#9) Blogging's anonymity’s freedom allows for the peculiar but effective combination of intimacy and distance.
#2) My son, at college at the time, was legitimately sick & tired of the plethora of fatherly advice of the complete works of What/how/who/where/when in college. He was assigned to set up his own blog in one of his college courses. He suggested, quite effectively, that I take my harangue elsewhere, specifically to the Internet, where he thought a possible audience of 1 or, maybe even, 2 may be present desirous of reading a father's advice.
#1) There is an incredible quantity of interesting people out there in the Land of Blog who write with wit, intelligence, passion, and integrity. Blogging’s a club I’d love to be part of.
#5) It may not be The New New Thing. Perhaps it was at one point in time, even for a nanosecond, on some cutting edge. Blogging is, for me, a self-indicator that aging does not mean retreating. It let’s the kids know their old man is still full of vim and vigor (and vinegar).
#8) Blogging is the cocktail party without the cocktail, without the olives. It allows me to stay and linger as long as I want at one site and scoot out as fast as I can muster speed from another, if a topic's discussion is trite or boring. And, again, all with relative anonymity.
#4) Blogging's a porch where you can bring out your opinions, your verbal skills, your life experiences and, usually, have positive connections and comments from folks climbing those 3 short steps from the Internet street.
Addendum 10/10/06:
While I'm here playing stickball there's some major players swinging for the fences with their reasons for blogging.
There's the gemutlich Whisky Prajer, the contestaire Cowtown Pattie, and the berrieh Searchie. All-Stars, all. Please remember to read Prarie Mary's entry; she's the one who started this lagniappe.
Sincerely, Mr. Attaccabottoni
<< Home Verging on Pertinence Just some more disposable thoughts clogging up the hinterlands
This may be turning into a meme, this blog-list thing!
I especially like your metaphor of the porch -- it DOES feel like that! Sort of relaxed, but who knows who might happen by?
Prairie Mary
I especially like your metaphor of the porch -- it DOES feel like that! Sort of relaxed, but who knows who might happen by?
Prairie Mary
Prarie Mary, you have an open invitation to come on up and sit a spell on the porch whenever the spirit suits you.
You got room for my rocker?
I love porch-sittin'. Specially good when someone brings a guitar and a harmonica...I can't play either, but I am hell on the ukelele and I can stomp my foot in pretty good tim.
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I love porch-sittin'. Specially good when someone brings a guitar and a harmonica...I can't play either, but I am hell on the ukelele and I can stomp my foot in pretty good tim.
<< Home Verging on Pertinence Just some more disposable thoughts clogging up the hinterlands