Friday, September 29, 2006
(Happy) Canine Trails (to You)

Dear folks,
Stupid me.
I changed one of the settings regarding comments that would allow me to moderate them. Please don't ask why; I'll simply claim the ol' reliable Alzheimer's kicking in at an early stage rule. (No offense intended to you or anyone you know possibly affected by the dreadful Alzheimer's Disease.
Needless to say, once I changed the setting, no comments appeared. I forgot that if one wants to moderate must, ahem, moderate them, i.e., look at them. Instead of looking, I squished my hands wondering what idiocies I've been writing as entries recently that no one wanted to leave some verbal traces behind. I felt like the excremental matter a dog sniffs at and doesn't bother wasting his marking fluid on; there's only so many markings the discerning Bow-Wow will leave each day.
So, things should be back to normal. I hope. Thanks to Alcessa for pointing out my idiocy; she has a gentle touch in matters of that nature.
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FCB, It was a pleasure rambling through them all! I was so relieved that I wasn't struck with a fatla case of halitosis. What the heck would youo gargle with for Blogger's Bad Breath?
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