Monday, June 19, 2006


An intersting little piece here from the Australian site, The Advertiser. A language, Socceranto (little takeoff on Esperanto), specifically for Football, World Style. The book, Socceranto: Birth of a Language, co-written by Englishman 16-year-old Ted Freedman, Peter Freedman, and Argentinian-American Ignacio van Gelderen, gives shorthand expressions/words for specific situations, thus minimizing long detailed explanations and providing Football fans with their own language to match their own mania.
Some Socceranto words?
How about:
fliegenfanger: The word for a useless goalkeeper derived from the German word for flycatcher
A Baggio: A Baggio is a missed penalty after the Italy star's bungled spot-kick in the shootout in the 1994 final against Brazil
Harry Potter: Midfield Wizard
Rustico: Player with few skills, a donkey from the Spanish/Latin American word meaning rustic.

The only thing that surprises me about Socceranto, is the title. Since everyone else in the world, with the exception of USA, Canada, and (I think) Australia calls the sport Football, why then Socceranto? It's almos t as if the authors want to antagonize the very group they're hoping will buy the book and take on the new language.

Credit to the incomparable Bob at World Cup Blog for this link.


Socceranto: Birth of a Language is a free download...but do so at your own risk. I haven't tested it out yet. I wonder if it'll turn out to be like Wikipedia, say Soccerpedia, where new word additions will be allowed.

Hey man, i just came across your blog post about Socceranto. Yes i'm the guy that wrote the book and i wanted to give you a few comments.

The book is free online in hope that people will download it, read it, and contribute to the development in a sense of soccerpedia as you called it.

We didn't do it to make money but to hopefully grow it into a generally accepted dictionary. if you have suggestions or know people that may have suggestions please visit and go to the forum. we are working on a site for socceranto but meanwhile you can post there in the forum.

we also chose socceranto because it sounds better than footballanto or futbolanto.

have a good one

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