Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Fan...An Old Fan

(From here thanks to Xenoverse's might pointer) The caption reads as follows:
"The Tollund man provides an example of what ancient Germanic peoples may have looked like. Discovered in a peat bog in Denmark in 1952, the Tollund man was dressed only in a pointed cap and belt. Tests later determined that the body was over 2000 years old."

Let me repeat that the Tollund man was dressed only in a pointed cap and belt. Hmmmmm. Watching the World Cup and hearing various stories such as the one that FIFA's dictator-in-chief, Joseph Sepp Blatter, banned Dutch fans from wearing shorts with a non-Budweiser beer ad prominantly displayed, made something click. (Aside from the need to post a link to Crooked Timber. Who'da thunk that those intellectuals would write about football?).

Anyway, the Dutch fans, ever-clever that bunch even though their preference for oranje is frightening, came up with an alternative plan.

Do like the Tollund Man and come stripped down to your shorts. With a hat, to be sure. They were a tad more conservative than the Tollund Fan. Rather than a belt and a hat, the Dutch opted for a hat and underwear. How modest.

You forgot "rope": Tollund man was dressed in a pointy hat, a belt, and a noose.

Maybe he tried to enforce Budweiser Panties too?
I have it on good faith that the Tollund man wore Prada...
examination of his stomach contents revealed a vegetarian last meal...I'm not making this up....

Seriously, he was probably a murder vi ctime. They killed him and took his stuff except for the hat and the belt which the perps decided were 'nasty'
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