Friday, May 19, 2006

Yeah, I'm in the Bear Import-Export Trade.

Regular visitors (I thank you in sufficient amounts of profuseness) are familiar with postings of the export-import business that thrives in the former republics of Yugoslavia on this site. When in need of a profession to quote as one's own when asked, "So, what is it that you really do?", export-import rings well. The services and products that are the subject of this activity are broad and wide. As pointed out by Balkan Scissors, here is an example of the breadth.

A quick translation of the title "Slovenački medvedi". That would be Slovenian Bears. The subtitle notes that Slovenia has recently become the largest exporter of bears in Europe, a fact that's surprising in that who would keep track of such a fact.

But then, if you're in import-export, you do want to get noticed in some manner, so handling the exchange of bears seems to be a win-win for all. You as the bear exporter get noticed. The bear, as the product, gets a less confined forest to ramle around. The receiving country, in this case France, gets the needed furry animals to make their nature reserves more complete.

The bears are shipped alive not butchered for their internal organs as in East Asia where the demand for bear gall-bladders drives a non-living bear trade. Confirmation of the number of bears exported, live, from Slovenia has been hard to track, although "between 1975 and 2003, over 14 000 Brown Bear bodies, skins, skulls and trophies were reported to be traded globally (being only a fraction of overall annual national harvests), with Canada being the largest exporter, followed by the Russian Federation and the USA. Together, the 25 EU Member States were the second largest importers of trophy items after the USA (excerpted from here).

Here's a British article regarding a shipment of France-bound Slovenian bears. Luckily, Slovenia will soon be in the EU, so currency, tariffs, and some taxes will be uniform and thus easier for the bears to deal with the trauma of Ursine Cleansing.

Hmm. The word verification is "ygydepfd" - Croatian for "Winnie-the-Pooh"?
WP, all secret-decoding-ring words sound Croatian. If not Croatian, then Lilliputian, for sure.

My word verification was "ocuvfxpz", so it must be Lilliputian, since "x" is not in the Croatian alphabet (neither is "q"). Not sure of meaning unless the Latin origins within refer to eye and the French origins refer to faux pas. So, combining it all, voila! Visual faux pas, the backbone of slapstick.
Boy, don't get me started on animal cruelty stuff - I am definitely a bear-hugger.
Actually I was doing some research on medovina,(mead) and medovaca (mead rakija) and one company which exports medovaca from Croatia also has dried bear meat as an article they sell! I was really a bit bugged by this! They had dried mouflon, dried venison and dried bear! So Croatia is a minor exporter of bear it would appera.
As to the words you get from word verification, EVERYONE should KNOW by now that they are Klingon words, very often Klingon swear words as a matter of fact! I've put some of them up on East Ethnia. I understand the need for word verification, but I hate it as I'm very nearsighted and sometimes two or three tries are required before I can publish.
Instead we should just hunt out spammers and ethnically cleanse them in some particularly awful way and that would solve the problem. The work involved might be easier than the frustration of dealing with wierdly formed and sometimes small letters. today there seems to be a problem with your word verification too.

mkbqfhck Klingon for
potato pancakes!
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