Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Large Roadside Attractions
Curious to see if those Canadians had trumped us on the Large Animals demanding our paeans to Nature, a quick search came up with the following. From the Koen Brothers, there is, of course, Brainard, Minnesota's Paul Bunyon and his blue ox.
One site deals specifically with the Muffler Men inhabiting our byways.
As expected, things are just plain big in Texas and Jim Tankard wants to document that fact.
Debra Jane has an interesting little place that includes this giant woman in New Jersey. (Her sister resides in Illinois)
This site, World's Largest Roadside Attractions takes you to Australia as well as providing you links to largeness around us.
Other sites to visit, when making your summer vacation plans include Roadside America,
..and here's a NYT article from 2003 worth a quick skim.
Jeffrey Sward's site includes attractions no longer viewable, a sorry state of affairs. A pulled pork restaurnat in Columbus features this.
When you're tired of LARGE, here's somewhere small to lord over.
And, of course, there's at least one book that beckons.
Lastly, the original Large Roadside Attraction, still bringing in the daily gapers.
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Re: Sault-Ste-Marie's penchant for LRAs, I have no substantive theories. But was this not the locale from which the real-life "Winnie The Pooh" originate? Seems to me if Soo were to focus on an appropriate LRA, the rightful candidate would be Pooh-Bear. "Pooh from Soo". (Hmm. Doesn't sound so good, actually...) If this is the case, then perhaps the real culprit here is, as ever, the Disney Corporation and their airtight copyrights. Soo, attempting to make up for what should rightfully be theirs to claim, has overcompensated with an abundance of unrelated LRAs. If this is the case...
And don't forget the mighty jackalope:
WP, I believe you were very close with "Pooh from Soo". COnsidering it's Disney you may be dealing with, perhaps "Sue for Pooh" may strike closer.
Searchie, yes the mighty jackalope would qualify...if it were only 10-20 ft higher. While taking this photo from the lying-on-one's-stomach angle may seem to suggest that the jackalope is brontosauras (or whatever its polittically correct name is now) high, we know better. your typical jackalope is only about 12 inches high, antlers included.
Searchie, yes the mighty jackalope would qualify...if it were only 10-20 ft higher. While taking this photo from the lying-on-one's-stomach angle may seem to suggest that the jackalope is brontosauras (or whatever its polittically correct name is now) high, we know better. your typical jackalope is only about 12 inches high, antlers included.
Cool photo
Try this one:
Hey, in these here parts, Jackalopes are not that rare, you know.
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Try this one:
Hey, in these here parts, Jackalopes are not that rare, you know.
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