Monday, January 16, 2006
Picking up His Pieces
Denison U. is keeping mum on the far. Hopefully, the inside scoop will be provided by da son. For a small college (about 2,100 students), Denison has provided us with quite a few memorable characters. Among the illustrious grads are:
Michael Eisner
Senator Richard Lugar
Jennifer Garner
Molly O'Neill
Steve Carell
Hal Holbrook
Bobby Rahal
It will be interesting to see how Denison honors another famous son. In dealing with Mr. "Million Pieces", Whisky Prajer ties in childhod whoppers with 400+ pages non-fiction/fiction books here quite cleverly. He also provides a link to a scat review of "A Million Pieces". Hope Mr. Frey has got a heavy coat on the next month or so.
As alumni Hal Holbrook (must have) said in his Mark Twain Solo shows, "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. "
Addendum: 1/27/2006: On January 23rd, Denison U. had this press release, noting the successes of Frey, Garner, & Carell.
...later in the day, the press release was changed to this. Hmmmm. Wonder if Mr. Frey hadn't sent in his annual alumni contribution?
(One more) Addendum: 1/31/06. Seems that link I'd referenced previously has been deleted by the Public Affairs office @ Denison U. Funny thing, that. In that release praise was lavished on Garner, Carell, and Frey, with Frey being the lead person in the article. Oh well, self-censorship is always a possibility. Here's a story in the Sept. 9, 2002 issue of the student paper, Denisonian on Frey's just then released book, "A Million Little Pieces".
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Jennifer Garner, eh? I've been wondering why your son's blog has been so quiet these last few months...
As alumni Hal Holbrook (must have) said in his Mark Twain Solo shows, "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
Ignorance and confidence! That is certainly a good explanation of Presjednik Grm.
Ignorance and confidence! That is certainly a good explanation of Presjednik Grm.
I must say, anyone foolish enough to buy Mr Frey's book in the first place, when there are so many more worthwhile, improivng, and learned books to choose from, deserves to be told they've been reading a pile of hogwash.
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