Monday, May 02, 2005

Barking up a Tree

The ever-loving wife occasionally sashays over to this web site to see what I've been up to. Those times that I disappear up to the 3rd floor are a mystery she'd rather not deal with. Her inner need to organize causes her great consternation as she mounts the stairs to get upstairs. If there were medication I could give her while she's up here to minimize the queasiness she experiences as she look s around, I would. Usually, she says nothing to me about her visitations to this site. If Verging on Pertinence, were a church, she would leave a candle burning, glad to see that there is activity happening in the grey matter. On a few visits, she's deemed it necessary to, like Mr. M. Luther, post some notes on my door, or rather, on my noggin. A reading of the Dragon Tree got her opinionating juices flowing.
In the interest of being fair-minded to her and to any other readers of the female persuasion, I took in her point-making (ouch! ouch!) and came up with today's post.
The item in the Dragon tree post concerned a (stylish, I believe) picture of a woman, (and a Professor of Dance, at that) perched delicately in a tree. A dancer in a tree seemed to be a tad too sexist, well at least to the ever-loving wife. I tried to explain that I didn't want the professor in my office, whether in her dancing leotard or in a business suit. The post that day dealt with the impossibility of my little dragon plant growing up to be a dragon tree. If that were ever to happen, a just reward, I thought, for my little plant-that-could, would be to have Professor Fogel perform her work, "Dragon Tree, Waterfall, Tea" in my dragon tree.
It's not as if I fantasize of women in dramatic poses hanging about my office. Minimizing drama in my office is one of my main duties; why would I need more? Excessive drama can only lead to.....opera. My stand on the latter has already been duly noted.

As a courtesy and a step toward better male:female, husband:ever-loving wife understanding, I offer Men in Trees here. Please note the discomfort of these arborially trapped fellows. We men are not one with the trees; it is not our natural milieu.

I picture you hanging out in a horse chesnut tree. Don't know why but I do.
We still have an equal opportunity issue here, Darko. Is there an open invitation to any of these fellows to come dance in your tree in a few years?
Horse chestnut trees are particularly dangerous - everyone knows they exist solely that little boys can throw stick at them, in an effort to dislodge the best conkers?

But really... this picture can be no recompense. Where is the dance, the flounce in that?

I'm sorry, but som mannie sat smugly in a tree is no temptress.
Stephenesque: If by horse chestnut tree, you are saying that while I am prickly on the outside, hard in the inner core, but soft and tasty when excessive heat is applied, then I guess I should say, "Thanks.". I think.
Whisky Prajer: There certainly is an opportunity issue here, but I'm not sure if it's equal. Men have a hard enough time dancing (think back on any weddings you've been to lately) on terra frima. Put a guy up in a tree, and the motion you see would, even kindly, never be referred to as dancing.
F.C. Bearded: You are right. A smug man in a tree is no temptress. Even a nude Yossarian, bucking to beat catch-22, in a tree is not tempting. ANd that's one of the rpime differences between the sexes. A man in a tree>>>>>not tempting. A woman in a tree (or anywhere else)>>>TEMPTING.
A dancer in a tree is sexist? I must have missed something.

Or, more likely, I've stumbled into a blog a branch or two above my intellectual capacity.
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