Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Summer Kidz
(from Arthur de Pins' online portfolio
It's blindingly bright outside. The last snow/ice/frozen rain weather concoction has passed through last week. Spring, that season of bundled up nerves and anticipation, is 4 days from today. And summer, the kids' season, is just around the distant corner. The raison d’être of childhood. Sons & daughters are detailing their plans of doing nothing and holding assiduously to those plans. Misery will soon be losing its company.
Follow-up: I would be remiss not to give a nod to this Canadian site, Drawn. I've had it as a blog link for visitors to go to for a while, but I haven't POINTED IT OUT IN LARGE LETTERS. This is the site where I first found out about Arthur de Pins. Click on over. You will not be disappointed and you'll probably do the same thing I've done. Namely, bookmark it for easier visits.

It's blindingly bright outside. The last snow/ice/frozen rain weather concoction has passed through last week. Spring, that season of bundled up nerves and anticipation, is 4 days from today. And summer, the kids' season, is just around the distant corner. The raison d’être of childhood. Sons & daughters are detailing their plans of doing nothing and holding assiduously to those plans. Misery will soon be losing its company.
Follow-up: I would be remiss not to give a nod to this Canadian site, Drawn. I've had it as a blog link for visitors to go to for a while, but I haven't POINTED IT OUT IN LARGE LETTERS. This is the site where I first found out about Arthur de Pins. Click on over. You will not be disappointed and you'll probably do the same thing I've done. Namely, bookmark it for easier visits.
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