Wednesday, March 09, 2005
In the Museum of Harmony & Golden Section site, there are quite a few cubby holes to wander into and get lost. This Russian site generally deals with matehematics, harmony, & proportion. While combing through various entries, the section titled Periods of Man's Life sucked me in.
In this section, it was noted that "for a long time man's life (does not) flow uniformly. It is tracked in it a periodicity of different processes, an availability of the turning and crisis moments, qualitative jumps. Thus the periodicity of life process can not be reduced to a circling when we come back to the initial point and most likely resembles the spiral motion when as though there is also returning but each time at the new level." (Clunky writing may be due to Russian to English translation on the site).
The piece goes on. "The interesting information about periods of man's life, connected with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are given by Nikolay Vasutinsky in his book "The Golden Proportion" (1990) and by Eduard Soroko in his book "Structural harmony of systems" (1984). The essence of their conclusions is the following. Critical man's ages correspond to the following years: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and all man's life can be divided into 7 periods: about one year corresponds to infancy, 1-8 years to childhood, 8-13 to adolescence, 13-21 to youth, 21-34 years to second youth, 34-55 years to maturity, 55-89 years to old age."
Interestingly, "In Vasutinsky's opinion, life periodicity of woman is subjected to Lucas number: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123. Shift of age intervals for women is explained more by girl's forwardness."
Describing some of the age brackets, the author lists:
"The youth period (21-34):Corresponds to upsurge of physical and intellectual capabilities of the man. The main achievements of the outstanding scientists and artists happen just for this life period.
The mature age (34-55): Is a heyday of forces, there comes overwork as a result of perennial activity, depression and apathy, the nervous failures (occur) frequently, (and one has a loss of) business grip.
The age of 55-89 years: Is a time of philosophical understanding of life, summarizing, a time of revaluation of values, waiving of excesses, looking up of the "eternal truths" and the "eternal values"."
As with most summaries, there are exceptions to the rules set out. But the emphasis is that the general time-line rules age's progression. So, if you (as I) are in the 34-55 bracket, specifically in the upper half, it may be time to take Cosmo Kramer's advice and "Giddy-up". The piece was written based on books published in the late 1980's and early 1990's, so the authors may not have taken into account the new magic medications/applications introduced in the last 15 years (Viagra, Risotto w/ Porcini Mushrooms, iPods) that may widen the age brackets.
But to be sure, I'll have to cut my sleeping time from 8 hrs to 6 hrs to fit in all that has to be finished. The ever-loving wife is already suggesting I'm into the philosophical understanding of life stage. Well, at least in regards to the clearing out the basement project.

In this section, it was noted that "for a long time man's life (does not) flow uniformly. It is tracked in it a periodicity of different processes, an availability of the turning and crisis moments, qualitative jumps. Thus the periodicity of life process can not be reduced to a circling when we come back to the initial point and most likely resembles the spiral motion when as though there is also returning but each time at the new level." (Clunky writing may be due to Russian to English translation on the site).
The piece goes on. "The interesting information about periods of man's life, connected with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are given by Nikolay Vasutinsky in his book "The Golden Proportion" (1990) and by Eduard Soroko in his book "Structural harmony of systems" (1984). The essence of their conclusions is the following. Critical man's ages correspond to the following years: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and all man's life can be divided into 7 periods: about one year corresponds to infancy, 1-8 years to childhood, 8-13 to adolescence, 13-21 to youth, 21-34 years to second youth, 34-55 years to maturity, 55-89 years to old age."
Interestingly, "In Vasutinsky's opinion, life periodicity of woman is subjected to Lucas number: 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123. Shift of age intervals for women is explained more by girl's forwardness."
Describing some of the age brackets, the author lists:
"The youth period (21-34):Corresponds to upsurge of physical and intellectual capabilities of the man. The main achievements of the outstanding scientists and artists happen just for this life period.
The mature age (34-55): Is a heyday of forces, there comes overwork as a result of perennial activity, depression and apathy, the nervous failures (occur) frequently, (and one has a loss of) business grip.
The age of 55-89 years: Is a time of philosophical understanding of life, summarizing, a time of revaluation of values, waiving of excesses, looking up of the "eternal truths" and the "eternal values"."
As with most summaries, there are exceptions to the rules set out. But the emphasis is that the general time-line rules age's progression. So, if you (as I) are in the 34-55 bracket, specifically in the upper half, it may be time to take Cosmo Kramer's advice and "Giddy-up". The piece was written based on books published in the late 1980's and early 1990's, so the authors may not have taken into account the new magic medications/applications introduced in the last 15 years (Viagra, Risotto w/ Porcini Mushrooms, iPods) that may widen the age brackets.
But to be sure, I'll have to cut my sleeping time from 8 hrs to 6 hrs to fit in all that has to be finished. The ever-loving wife is already suggesting I'm into the philosophical understanding of life stage. Well, at least in regards to the clearing out the basement project.
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