Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Blues & Blahs
Just some pointers to Hendrik Herrzberg's commentary and James Surowiecki's piece in the current issue (11/15/04) of The New Yorker.

Surowiecki mentions that voters who used "The Economy" as their lightning rod voted 4 to 1 (yep, that's FOUR to ONE) for Kerry.
So, "It's the ECONOMY, stupid" obviously was not the successful war cry at this year's election. But, for the stupids out there, Mr. Bush will be leaving a nice surprise.
Quoting Mr.Surowiecki,
"By advocating greater freedom and independence, while failing to explain or account for the greater risk, Bush is setting Americans up for an unpleasant surprise. If his plans are implemented, a lot of people are going to end up a lot poorer in their old age than they otherwise would have been. (A lot of people will end up a lot richer, too.) The result would be Social Security without the security part. Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing. But the Bush plan is asking you to swap an insurance policy for a lottery ticket."

Ah, yes. Electing Mr. Bush. The vote that just keeps on "giving".

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